“How many treatments does it take for hair to be removed permanently” is a commonly asked question at Wellbeing Health & Beauty! In short the answer will be approximately 36 weeks. If the hair grows in a six week cycle and on average it takes 6 laser hair removal treatments to remove over 90% of the hair then 6 x 6 = 36 weeks.
Laser hair removal is nowadays the preferred option to remove hair and can be performed on any skin but the results will vary according to each skin type. Ideally, the quality of the laser technology and the individual’s skin will determine the efficiency of the whole treatment but it is expected that a vast majority (over 90%) of hairs should be removed on the target area after the necessary sessions.
How many treatments on the chin, lip and brow?
Since the treatment works by destroying the hair follicles, you can achieve permanent results by undergoing multiple treatments. At quality laser hair removal clinics such as Wellbeing Health & Beauty, it is normal to pay for a course of 6 sessions. This is generally the amount required to permanently remove almost all the hair in the targeted area. Areas such as the chin, above the lip and between the brows, where there is less hair, generally take fewer sessions.
How long is hair growth?
Hair growth tends to run in 6 week cycles, and so a clinic such as Wellbeing Health & Beauty would book your whole course at the initial appointment. Of course, it is not always practical to book the whole course due to booked engagements elsewhere, such as holidays. If this is the case then you would discuss this with your therapist who will advise what to do with regards to shaving (should you not wish to see any hair growth during your time away).
After the initial treatment, the hairs will generally reduce by up to 25%. Your following treatments will result in differing hair reduction but enough to make a noticeable difference. As mentioned, it must be stressed that continual visible results between each session will depend on skin type and the quality of the laser used. New lasers such as Elysion are proven to reduce the amount of laser hair removal sessions and therefore cut your cost which makes laser hair removal cheaper.
How long is the treatment time?
Your laser hair removal treatment time will vary depending on the area targeted and can be 5 mins for areas such as the chin, above the lip and between the brows. Back and larger legs can be as much as 30 minutes.
If you are interested in knowing more about the amount of treatments required, the cost and any other information, do please get in touch.
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